New Year, New 'To Do' List
Some things never change, I've always been a list writer - there is something about that satisfaction of marking a task as complete... even though you've probably added another 5 to replace it!
This week's list is:
1. Source and order hurdles, buckets and holders for kidding pens
2. Cut down autumn raspberry canes
3. Skip out the barn
4. Plan allotment and seed requirement
5. Re-paint living room
6. Order new hall/stair carpet
7. Vaccinate mum's-to-be
8. Put up year planner!
9. Weigh the youngsters
10. Chase up the builders
11. Collect Goat and Pig food
We've managed 5 out of the 11 so far.. sadly none of them big jobs...really must skip out the barn tomorrow.
One of my first tasks of the year in my old job was to set objectives for myself and my team - whilst this year's team comprises just Dave and myself, we still have some big ticket items to address this year:
1. A second barn
2. Seed the 4 acre field with wild meadow mix
3. Renovate the attached stone range in readiness for meat storage, packing and despatch
4. Plant new fruit trees in top paddock
...which bear no resemblance to objectives from previous years!
First up though is kidding.. we only have vague serve dates for all but two of our pregnant ladies so we have had to apply approximate due dates accordingly. Our first approximate date is next week - 12th January and the two ladies in question are, like their midwives...first timers. I think we've done everything we can to prepare - kidding pens, heat lamps, a kidding kit, towels and kid coats are all standing by and we practically moved into Moat Goats HQ the week before Christmas to witness as many births as possible. Thanks just aren't enough Meg and Damo - whilst still terrified, I think we're as ready as we'll ever be.. just as well really as there is no going back!