The Choice is Yours
Even before the first goats arrived two years ago, we had got a couple of pigs for our personal freezer. We were so delighted by the...
As a wrap up to this batch of updates, I would just like to share the following. On a Saturday evening our lovely vet called in to look...

Post 6 - The Church 'Darwin Awards'
If you haven’t heard of the Darwin Awards, do Google it (other search engines available) – the stupidity of humans never fails to amaze,...

Post 5 - The Goats Part Deux
So we knew ‘we’ were expecting 23 kids sometime between the end of January and March, but aside from Tiggy and Gloria who were attended...

Post 4 - The Goats : Part 1
What were we thinking? We didn’t have a scooby do about goats. The nearest I’d ever got to a goat was mucking out a pen for pocket money...

Post 3 - The First 6 Months
I’d liken this time to the ‘honeymoon period’ – endless possibilities, we had some money in the bank and, until we purchased our first...
Post 2 - The Plan
Disclaimer – we don’t really advocate our somewhat cavalier approach, but given our particular situation it was right for us! The...

The Story So Far
The following 6 blog posts have been taken from my contribution to a Facebook group 'Celebrating Smallholding UK'. For the benefit of...