Feet and all the trimmings!

After a lovely weekend with Dave's daughter Bex and her boyfriend Conor, it was back to work today - the ladies needed their feet trimming and a round of vaccinations required for all.
Armed with trusty shears and helpful diagram we set about the feet - the youngsters weren't so bad, however our more mature ladies Gloria and Tiggy were in a rather shocking state and we will have to have a few more goes to get them right. Happily however, no sign of foot rot - goats are a martyr to their feet. Emperor's feet were inspected but no surprise - having come from Moat Goats who do things properly, his were ship shape and bristol fashion.
Vaccinations were easier - the older the goats are the less they seem to feel the needle. Being the youngest and littlest, Feather of course cried the barn down.
Strengths became clear - It seems that I'm not too shabby at trimming feet and Dave (probably owing to the fact that he has to inject himself 4 times a day) is a dab hand with a needle.
Goats don't particularly enjoy having treatment themselves, but if anyone else is having a foot trim or injection then they are VERY interested. If we hadn't had our hands full of goat, photos would have been entertaining - there was one particularly dicey moment whilst holding Paris, Dave was mid injection and Barcelona decided to stick her head and horns between my legs. Had she decided to be naughty there would have been absolutely nothing I could have done about it!
Animal husbandry complete we off to finish tiling the shower - have a good day folks!