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Fondling Bollocks

I'm still not entirely sure whether we have learnt a new technique, or been subjected to a very goaty wheeze!

Meg and Damo invited us over to Moat Goats today as they were vaccinating and tagging a number of their herd, and offered us the opportunity to get some training and practice. Thanks so much to both of you for trusting two novices, as we have learnt far more in our few hours with you than any amount of reading has taught us.

And on to the blog title!  They have a young buck, Emperor, for sale.  If all goes well for us at the weekend, and we come back with does from our trip to Devon, our remaining need will be a buck.

We were told to look at the general condition of the goat, check feet, check the eyes are bright and clear, teeth look good (you can tell age of a goat by the size of the teeth), and check the bucks gonads!

So, in turn, we grabbed a handful of his privates, and were told to make sure there were two (check), and there were no other obvious lumps (check). They really were a handful too on the young chap, and he took the attention in his stride - in fact I'm sure I detected a glint in his eye as Debbi approached him from the rear!

Emperor passed all the checks, so he will be the next addition to the herd, once we have does at home.  I'm sure he won't be interested in any further fondling, once he has his own ladies to look after.

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