Exciting Times!
Suddenly the pace has gathered somewhat and the diary is busy for the next few days!
The Plan:
Today: Take delivery of our quad bike & trailer. We are also expecting delivery of some fencing materials with which we will build three chicken enclosures within one of our new paddocks in The Uplands. Our 'egg' hens need to move to fresh ground from the orchard and we also want to buy some 'chunky chickens' for eating.
Tomorrow: All being well we are off to see our new friends at Moat Goats who are very kindly going to teach us how to vaccinate. We are also going to take a look at a billy they have for sale. We have also been promised (please don't let that be the Pembrokeshire Promise) that the fencing guys will be coming to put the gates on the end of the barn and replace the fencing round the badlands.. this is rather critical..see Sunday.
Thursday: Off to Haverfordwest to take our exams which, if we pass, will provide us with the required Certificate of Confidence for transporting goats and pigs. This is also rather critical..refer to Sunday.
Friday: Preparation... see Sunday.
Saturday: Freddie to school, more preparation, very early night.. see Sunday.
Sunday: For the first time in nearly six months we will be leaving Wales! The car will be loaded with the dogs, the trailer hitched and we shall set off in the wee small hours to drive to Devon TO LOOK AT AND HOPEFULLY BUY GOATS!
So there are a number of critical success factors in this list in order for us to finally call ourselves goat owners by Sunday night. Hopefully the naughty piglets will behave themselves in our absence so that we also remain pig owners.
Keep everything crossed!