Last Day
The past couple of months have been such a whirlwind of 'lasts', 'farewell gatherings' and packing that, now we've come to our last day at work, it has rather crept up on me. Other than a (rather brief) move to university, Dave has lived in Hertfordshire all his life. I, on the other hand, am a bit of a mongrel and have zigzagged my way down the UK - born in Scotland; grew up in Lancashire; 'matured' in Hertfordshire and now heading for the hills, valleys and beaches of Wales.. when I'm done I think I'll just pop over the edge.
Hertfordshire has been my home and place of work for just a month shy of 20 years and, whilst I'm not the most sociable of beasts (especially pre-morning coffee), I've made some wonderful and lifelong friends. Whilst I won't miss the Stevenage traffic, I will miss the beautiful countryside and our lovely little house.
Just a few items to tick off the To Do list before I close my laptop at GlaxoSmithKline for the last time. I shall aim to keep the works farewell email brief but I do have a lot to thank GSK for - top of the list is not the career and money (lovely though it was!) but the private healthcare which paid for a wonderful consultant, team, medicines and diagnostic equipment to get Dave back on his feet - thanks to this I'm heading off on the craziest, scariest adventure ever with my best friend by my side.
Last on the To Do list is to get in the car, take the roof off, wack up the volume and select 'Happy' by Mr. Pharell Williams - a tune Dave and I would dance to on a Friday night to celebrate getting through the seems a fitting tune to leave to.
Meantime - some piccies of the farewell events: