Kid & Kidney Pie

Use Diced Kid or leftover meat from a roast leg or shoulder for this melt in the mouth pie.
Prep time about 10 minutes plus resting time (see below)
Cooking time 2 hours
300g Puff Pastry
1 Egg (beaten)
2 TBSP Vegetable Oil
700g Diced Kid (or leftover roast leg/shoulder)
200g Kid Kidney, diced
2 Medium Onions, diced
30g Plain Flour
850Ml Goat or Beef Stock
Dash of Worcestershire Sauce
Heat the oil in a frying pan. If using uncooked diced Kid meat, brown in the pan and set aside. If using up your left over roast, skip this step.
Brown the kidneys then add the onions and cook for 3-4 minutes.
Return (or add) the Kid meat to the pan, sprinkle the flour and coat the meat and onions.
Add stock to the pan and bring to the boil.
Transfer to a slow cooker (or pan) and simmer on low for 1 1/2 hours.
Remove from the heat, add seasoning and Worcestershire Sauce. Allow to cool completely and leave to rest in the fridge - ideally overnight but we have cooked the meat in the morning, rested in the afternoon, prior to baking for dinner and it was just as good!
After resting, roll out the pastry, put the meat in a pie dish with some of the juices and lay pastry on top, crimping the edges to seal.
Brush the pastry top with the beaten egg mixture and bake for 30-40 minutes at 200 C.
Strain the remaining juices and reduce in a pan to make a fabulous gravy.